Health and Safety Policy

We believe that health and safety are of paramount importance and are committed to conducting our business in a way that protects the health and safety of our employees, others involved in our operations, customers and the general public.

We will

  • Strive to prevent all incidents, injuries and occupational illnesses through the active participation of all employees and through continuous efforts to improve the management of health and safety risks associated with our operations and products.
  • Ensure that health and safety risks associated with our operations and products are identified, assessed and managed.
  • Ensure that recognized health and safety standards, company standards and legal requirements are met though the provision of adequate facilities, equipment, procedures training and management systems.
  • Respond quickly and effectively to health and safety incidents resulting from our operations, cooperating with industry organizations and authorized government agencies.
  • Emphasize requirements on the job and encourage good health and safety practices off the job.
  • Require all contractors, sales associate and supplies to be responsible and accountable for their safety performance.
  • Work with industry associations, governments and others to foster timely development of appropriate laws and regulations based on sound science and the consideration of risks, costs and benefits.
  • Conduct and support research to extend knowledge about the health and safety effects of our operations and products, promptly applying significant findings.
  • Take reasonable steps to communicate with employees, customers, and others who might be affected on the health and safety aspects of our operations including the precautions required in handling, transporting, using and disposing of our products.
  • Undertake appropriate reviews, evaluations and performance measurements of our operations to ensure compliance with this health and safety policy.