Labour Policy


Olgette Projects Limited is fully owned by Nigerians. As a 100% Nigerian company, our plan is to employ only Nigerians for the execution of our projects. Through our Labour Relation Plan, we will only employ from our Client’s Host Communities and other communities in Nigeria in the execution of our projects. Our vision which is our local content inclusion plan is to faully develop Nigerians to their optimum potentials.
Our local policy is in total compliance with the Nigerian local content law.




Olgette Projects Limited policy is to have a labour relation meeting with Client’s Public Affair/External Affairs/Human Resources/Personnel Departments as the case may be, or as directed by the client; to agree and comprehend the prevailing conditions as regards employment of skilled and unskilled youths from the host communities of our client.

For Client, Olgette Projects Limited shall meet with;
 (1) Public Affairs Department of client to inform them of this project. The essence of this meeting shall be to obtain a briefing on the memorandum of understanding client has with the host communities. The outcome of the meeting will inform Olgette Projects Limited of how employment of youths from the host communities shall be shared and implemented. Olgette Projects Limited will then meet with labour Employment Communities of the core Local Government. The essence will be to let them know the slots that are available to each of them based on the meeting with Public Affairs Department.

(2) The slots will be given to them based on their Qualification, Skills, Experience and Fitness.
After these meetings an interview will be conducted and successful candidates selected based on (1) and (2) Above.

Any labour crises or grievances will be resolved by Olgette Projects Limited Management in conjunction with Client Public Affairs/Human Resources and Security Departments.